What educational process will meet the needs of the future

Talk with Prof. Nuno Crato

Education is a central pillar of society and a central mechanism of social lift and personal enhancement. It is through education that the most important political and social changes and transformations are promoted.The pace of these changes, as well as the resulting disruption, has been increasing exponentially in recent decades. Technological and scientific developments have clearly changed the structure of society, the pace of life, the work model and today impose a constant change of paradigms for which an increasingly agile and adequate training is required for these changes. We talked with Professor Nuno Crato about these and other issues about what educational process will meet the needs of the future?

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WIthout innovation capacity ...

the Portuguese education system is centralized. It totally depends on the public state and it’s very conservative, in the bad way. I don't know how we could promote experimentation in the education system to make it more agile, but it is necessary to be very careful with experimentation.

The state is responsible ...

for the education of young people and must offer incentives and provide platforms that promote the updating of citizens knowledge.

Children and young people should ...

develop skills in central areas like the language, sciences, and knowledge of society. They are not much different than they were 100 years ago and probably will not be much different than they will be 100 years from now.

The best reference universities …

in the world have a high dynamic and promote online content.
Europe does not have that dynamic. Our universities should do more. They should take more free courses, open courses or online.

The human being does not change ...

in 10 or 20 years. We still prefer to be together. Things have
changed a lot, but not that much.

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