We are guided by these principles

No Sales Bullshit

It should not be a space used for the dissemination or promotion of products, services or brands that individually or collectively each participant represent.


Everyone's space for everyone, where age, generation, socioeconomic strata, and ideology, among others, should not condition participation.


Multiplicity and coexistence of different opinions, theoretical positions or practical frameworks, with the necessary respect for the fundamental rights of all.


There is no knowledge without practice, so it is intended that individually and / or collectively the need to create the conditions for actionable learning is always present.


The design, organization and implementation of the actions must be guided by the added value that is intended to be delivered to the different target audiences and not by any other commitments with other stakeholders whose objectives conflict with this objective.

Chatham House Rule

When a meeting, or part of it, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the speaker's identity nor affiliation, nor that of any other participant, can be revealed.